Benefits of Using Mobile Stands

Benefits of Mobile Stands

Holding your phone for a long time to watch a video can be exhausting. In fact, a smartphone can weigh up to 0.3 pounds. A mobile mount or a mobile stand is a great option to top your phone on. Plus your arms and neck will thank you if you keep your device on the stand. Hiker Store offers every type of stand for your car, bike, or even a flat surface like a desktop or kitchen platform.


A mobile stand or a mobile holder is most important when you are on a road traveling. About 1.6 million crashes happen every year due to mobile phone usage. That is why these mobile stands by Hiker Store are designed to keep your phone in sight without leaving your steering. Hiker Store has mobile stands and mobile mounts for both cars and bikes making it accessible for anyone.


These mobile and desktop stands can help to work on multiple devices with different projects at the same time. It can also help you to attend meetings on one device and work on the project on another. This is how these mobile stands by Hiker Store can help you to boost your productivity at your workplace and even at your school.


You will have less clutter on your desktop if your mobile has its own place at its mobile stand. Placing it on a mobile stand will help you not get it misplaced under the notebooks, folders, or other office supplies. A mobile stand can also help to save it from dust, water, and getting scratches on its camera or screen.


These were the 4 benefits of using mobile stands because according to research about 45% of smartphone owners accidentally damage their mobile phones at some point in time. That is why a mobile stand or a mobile mount gives them a safe place to keep their phones.

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